
Tourist Special: 5 Paralysing Places to Visit in Salisbury

SALISBURY - England - We have compiled a list of five interesting places to visit on your tour of this…

7 years ago

Brexit Backbone Could Be Delivered to Parliament Say Experts

LONDON - England - The House of Commons was on standby today for a delivery of a backbone, specially designed…

7 years ago

“Delaying Brexit is Crucial to Remaining in EU” Says Theresa May

LONDON - England - Theresa May's role of delaying any exit of the EU and keeping Britain tied to the…

7 years ago

No One Will Grieve For Dominic Grieve

LONDON - England - At the centre of the treachery of thwarting Brexit is Dominic Grieve, funded by Brussels, and…

7 years ago

Home Secretary Sajid Javid Bans Zombie Knives

LONDON - England - The Home Secretary, Sajid Javid vows to ban Zombie knives after being attacked by moped thugs…

7 years ago

Theresa May’s Shameful “Brexit in Name Only” – Maybe a Vote For Corbyn to Protest is Fitting Punishment

LONDON - England - Don't even call it a Brexit. What Theresa May and her Remainer friends are plotting is…

7 years ago

Age of Feminism: Woman Complains When Men Do Not Help Her

LONDON - England - When a woman was attacked by a deranged person on the tube, two men in the…

7 years ago

Tourists Flock to London to Get Murdered

LONDON - England - The capital city's skyrocketing crime levels are attracting thrill seeking tourists to the Wild West death…

7 years ago

London Mayor Says Stabbing Spree Bloodbath Good For Population Control

LONDON - England - As the daily stabbings and shootings continue in the Labour controlled capital city, nothing is being…

7 years ago

No More Lads Stuff – Prince Harry Doomed As Meghan Declares Feminist Agenda

KENSINGTON - England - Poor Prince Harry has been tricked into marrying a politically correct feminist activist, Meghan Markle.

7 years ago

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