LONDON - England - The end of labour through automation will probably necessitate the introduction of UBI and a new…
LONDON - England - Humanity is on the very cusp of a new transhumanism epoch that will change every facet…
SILICON VALLEY - USA - The head transplant company Brainbridge has unveiled an ambitious plan to extend human life by…
SHANGHAI - China - Scientists at a new research institute are to engineer the birth of trans babies.
LONDON - England - Transgenderism is being pushed by the highest levels for specific reasons.
CALIFORNIA - USA - Elon Musk's brainchip is a step in the right direction, however the technology is still severely…
OSAKA - Japan - Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, is at the forefront of robotics and is pioneering the technological push towards…
LONDON - England - The biological part of humans will be totally synthesised and understood by future technology and subsequently…
BOSTON - USA - Thanks to Alphabet owned companies like Boston Dynamics, and Head of Engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil,…
LOS ANGELES - USA - The advancement of artificial intelligence technology is increasing in pace daily, and soon we will…
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