
The End of Labour and the Birth of a New Economic OrderThe End of Labour and the Birth of a New Economic Order

The End of Labour and the Birth of a New Economic Order

LONDON - England - The end of labour through automation will probably necessitate the introduction of UBI and a new…

4 weeks ago
Humanity On Cusp of New Transhuman EpochHumanity On Cusp of New Transhuman Epoch

Humanity On Cusp of New Transhuman Epoch

LONDON - England - Humanity is on the very cusp of a new transhumanism epoch that will change every facet…

7 months ago
Brainbridge – “Anyone for a head transplant?” WATCH VIDEOBrainbridge – “Anyone for a head transplant?” WATCH VIDEO

Brainbridge – “Anyone for a head transplant?” WATCH VIDEO

SILICON VALLEY - USA - The head transplant company Brainbridge has unveiled an ambitious plan to extend human life by…

10 months ago
Scientists to Engineer Birth of Trans BabiesScientists to Engineer Birth of Trans Babies

Scientists to Engineer Birth of Trans Babies

SHANGHAI - China - Scientists at a new research institute are to engineer the birth of trans babies.

1 year ago
Transgenderism Symbolises the New Age of BaphometTransgenderism Symbolises the New Age of Baphomet

Transgenderism Symbolises the New Age of Baphomet

LONDON - England - Transgenderism is being pushed by the highest levels for specific reasons.

2 years ago
Will Elon Musk’s Brainchip Work?Will Elon Musk’s Brainchip Work?

Will Elon Musk’s Brainchip Work?

CALIFORNIA - USA - Elon Musk's brainchip is a step in the right direction, however the technology is still severely…

5 years ago
The Genius of Hiroshi IshiguroThe Genius of Hiroshi Ishiguro

The Genius of Hiroshi Ishiguro

OSAKA - Japan - Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, is at the forefront of robotics and is pioneering the technological push towards…

5 years ago
Experts: Big Technological Shift Coming SoonExperts: Big Technological Shift Coming Soon

Experts: Big Technological Shift Coming Soon

LONDON - England - The biological part of humans will be totally synthesised and understood by future technology and subsequently…

7 years ago
Robotics Future is Almost Upon UsRobotics Future is Almost Upon Us

Robotics Future is Almost Upon Us

BOSTON - USA - Thanks to Alphabet owned companies like Boston Dynamics, and Head of Engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil,…

9 years ago
Scientists: How Artificial Intelligence Will View Humans in FutureScientists: How Artificial Intelligence Will View Humans in Future

Scientists: How Artificial Intelligence Will View Humans in Future

LOS ANGELES - USA - The advancement of artificial intelligence technology is increasing in pace daily, and soon we will…

9 years ago