the internets

‘Fake News’ Created by Eric Schmidt Former Google Boss

NEW YORK - USA - What investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkinson has discovered about Fake News creator Eric Schmidt, is not…

7 years ago

Orwellian Facebook Telescreen Installed in Homes

PALO ALTO - USA - George Orwell saw the Facebook future so well that pretty much every part of the…

7 years ago

Tech Experts: Internet 2.0 Transition Beginning Soon

THE NOOSPHERE - Government approved, control of every facet of the internet, an internet where all info will be gradually…

7 years ago

The Internet Today: My Fake Girlfriend Answered My Fake Social Network Account On a Fake News Site

CHICAGO - USA - Like everything's fake on the internet, even Obama has over 60% of his Twitter followers as…

8 years ago

Why Your Words Do Not Mean Anything Any More

NOOSPHERE - The internet is full of words, billions, trillions, gazillions of words all ordered somehow into what the authors…

8 years ago

Why Boycotting BBC Licence is Only Way to Induce Change

LONDON - England - Already millions of people are not paying the BBC licence fee, a tax that is imposed…

8 years ago

The End of Obama Gulag Years

THE INTERNET - Noosphere - And on the twentieth day he was gone, an entity that had purged the earth…

8 years ago

Satire Has Been Attacked For Thousands of Years So ‘Fake News’ is Old News

LONDON - England - Satire as a literary genre is once again under attack, however throughout its thousands of years,…

8 years ago

EU to Make Every Internet User Have Mandatory Government ID

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Every citizen of the EU who uses the internet will be forced to have a trackable…

9 years ago

Why Articles About How ‘the Internet’ Feels Are Useless

LONDON - England - The internet paid tribute to this, the internet liked X's latest crap single, the internet is…

9 years ago

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