
Experts: Why a New American Civil War is On its Way

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Another civil war in America is just around the corner, this time, it will be…

7 years ago

ISIS Hits Evil Las Vegas Jackpot

LAS VEGAS - USA - The ISIS trademark has struck once again, this time hitting the Vegas jackpot with another…

7 years ago

London Underground: The Terrorist Playground – Parsons Green Bomb

PARSONS GREEN - London - A device that exploded on a London Underground train today, opens up an old can…

7 years ago

How Kim and His Little EMP Toy Could Take USA to 19th Century

PYONGYANG - N.Korea - North Korean leader, Kim jong-Un likes to play with his little toys, playthings like hydrogen bombs,…

7 years ago

FBI Labels Antifa as Domestic Terrorists

CHARLOTTESVILLE - USA - Ant-fascist group, Antifa, have been labelled by the FBI as 'domestic terrorists' according to confidential records.

7 years ago

How to Walk On the Pavement in Europe

BARCELONA - Spain - Nowhere is safe any more thanks to the uncaring EU Commission and their ridiculous Schengen zone.

7 years ago

Barcelona Schengen Terrorist Massacre: No Comment

SCHENGEN ZONE - EU - The Schengen zone extends from Calais, France to the outer edges of Europe where a…

7 years ago

Analyst: Why ISIS Was Doomed to Failure

VIRGINIA - USA - Retired military analyst, Joseph Dresden, reveals the major flaw that will see ISIS eventually defeated.

7 years ago

Labour Mayor London Chaos

LONDON - England - Ever since Sadiq Khan, a Labour party member was made Mayor of London, we have had…

8 years ago

EU Law: Britain Cannot Do Anything to Watched Jihadis Roaming Britain

LONDON - England - As long as Britain is tied down by EU law, it cannot do much about the…

8 years ago

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