
SNP: Repeating Supposed Generational Referendums on a Whim is NOT DemocracySNP: Repeating Supposed Generational Referendums on a Whim is NOT Democracy

SNP: Repeating Supposed Generational Referendums on a Whim is NOT Democracy

GLASGOW - Scotland - The SNP abusing generational referendums purely for a political agenda is not democracy.

4 years ago
Scotland After Independence According to Nicola SturgeonScotland After Independence According to Nicola Sturgeon

Scotland After Independence According to Nicola Sturgeon

GLASGOW - Scotland - Scottish leader, Nicola Sturgeon has outlined her vision of Scotland after independence.

4 years ago
Power Mad Smeagol Sturgeon and Her Precious SNPPower Mad Smeagol Sturgeon and Her Precious SNP

Power Mad Smeagol Sturgeon and Her Precious SNP

GLASGOW - Scotland - An evil lies in the dark alley ways of this Scottish city, plotting against the English…

5 years ago
This Christmas Don’t Get This For Your KidsThis Christmas Don’t Get This For Your Kids

This Christmas Don’t Get This For Your Kids

GLASGOW - Scotland - This Christmas don't buy this children's annual for the kids stockings, or forever be doomed to…

5 years ago
Theresa May: Snap Election Could Go Crackle and PopTheresa May: Snap Election Could Go Crackle and Pop

Theresa May: Snap Election Could Go Crackle and Pop

LONDON - England - British Prime Minister, Theresa May, has called for an early General Election in June.

8 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon Gives Birth After Sudden PregnancyNicola Sturgeon Gives Birth After Sudden Pregnancy

Nicola Sturgeon Gives Birth After Sudden Pregnancy

THE HIGHLANDS - Scotland - According to SNP aides on a recent field trip to Loch Ruthven, which lies 2.3…

8 years ago
Britain to Hold Referendum on Whether to Keep ScotlandBritain to Hold Referendum on Whether to Keep Scotland

Britain to Hold Referendum on Whether to Keep Scotland

LONDON – England – Theresa May, Britain’s Brexiteering PM has vowed to give England and Wales a referendum on whether…

8 years ago
Thanks to Theresa May Scotland Will Now Block Article 50Thanks to Theresa May Scotland Will Now Block Article 50

Thanks to Theresa May Scotland Will Now Block Article 50

GLASGOW - Scotland - Thanks to Theresa May, Article 50 to leave the EU will probably never be triggered.

9 years ago
Sturgeon Threatens UK Democratic EU Referendum Vote With VetoSturgeon Threatens UK Democratic EU Referendum Vote With Veto

Sturgeon Threatens UK Democratic EU Referendum Vote With Veto

GLASGOW - Scotland - In another supremely vindictive threat to the UK, SNP leader is now threatening to use MSPs…

9 years ago
Scots Cannot Have Another Referendum to Split UKScots Cannot Have Another Referendum to Split UK

Scots Cannot Have Another Referendum to Split UK

GLASGOW - Scotland - Nicola Sturgeon's empty threats of a second Scottish Referendum are not only illegal, but would plunge…

9 years ago