
Censorship of Censorship is Next Stage of Woke Cancel Culture Censors

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Censorship of censorship is the new Direktive being given by the Woke Septom and Media…

1 year ago

Why China is the New Model For the Soviet West

LONDON - England - Our former freedoms under democracy are disappearing rapidly. This is because the West is adopting and…

1 year ago

Republican Politics Officially Criminalised in America

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Any form of republican politics has been officially criminalised in America and prominent politicians arrested.

1 year ago

Latest Global Woke News Bulletin From Your Supreme Comrade

BEIJING - China - Comrades of the woke West, thank you for indoctrinating your weak populace in communist woke ideology.…

1 year ago

Woke Producer Who Single-handedly Destroyed the Star Wars Franchise Strikes Again

HOLLYWOOD - USA - Kathleen Kennedy has re-emerged from the woke manure pile to ruin the Indiana Jones franchise.

2 years ago

Man Told How to Act and What to Say by Social Media

WISCONSIN - USA - A man reveals how all social media, advertising and films tells him how to act, and…

2 years ago

Why Independent Thought is Feared by Woke Programmers

LONDON - England - Independent thought is feared by the woke programmers for numerous reasons.

2 years ago

The Woke West Aligning With Communist China With Loss of Democracy

WASHINGTON D.C - USA - The Woke West is falling prey to communist China with a reduction in democracy.

2 years ago

Democrats Only Looking For Presidential Candidates With Advanced Dementia From Now On

LONDON - England - From now on the Democrat Party will only be looking for presidential candidates with severe advanced…

2 years ago

We Have to Thank Heroic Efforts of Elon Musk on Twitter

LONDON - England - Elon Musk has quite a task ahead of him restoring Twitter from communist woke infestation. He…

2 years ago

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