
Cameron Vader You Must Turn Away From Dark Side of the Force

LONDOOINE - Planet England - A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....

10 years ago

The Daily Squib Guide to Avoiding Pro EU Propaganda During Run Up to Referendum

LONDON - England - We're here to help you to avoid the mass brainwashing and pro EU propaganda which will…

10 years ago

Comrade Cameron: I’m Back or Am I?

LONDON - England - Confusion was felt across parliament today as news filtered through that Comrade Cameron was back, but…

10 years ago

Psychologists: Feminism is Lesbianism

NEW JERSEY - USA - Professor Germaine Leer, head of the Socio-Psychological department at Princeton University has revealed some of…

10 years ago

Science: Why Biological Women Could be Superseded in Future

STOCKHOLM - Sweden - The rise of feminism and misandry amongst today's women could be the advent of a future…

10 years ago

Drudge Report: End of Internet Era

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The invasive Obama-led Net Neutrality will spell the end of the internet as we know…

10 years ago

Labour Equalities Minister Harriet Harperson Shown Parallel Parking Her Car

BELFAST - Northern Ireland - On a recent visit to the city, Labour Equalities minister, Harriet Harperson showed off her…

12 years ago

Comrade Chavez Goes to the Great Dacha in the Sky

CARACAS - Venezuela - Sean Penn, Fidel Castro, Cristina Kirchner and President Obama were in mourning today, as were thousands…

12 years ago

Cameron Stasi Snooper’s Charter to Spy on You

LONDON - England - The British Coalition government is introducing a new Communications Data Bill which will take away all…

12 years ago

Miliband Wants Poor People to Help the Rich Accept Poverty Too

LIVERPOOL - England - Labour party leader, Ed Miliband is proposing in his new manifesto that he will implement programs…

12 years ago

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