
Jeremy Corbyn Serious Threat to National Security Monitored By Special Branch

LONDON - England - Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn is a serious threat to democracy in the UK if he is…

8 years ago

Labour Using Brainwashing Techniques on Britain’s Pliable Young

LONDON - England - The young have been targets of political indoctrination for centuries, and during this election the Labour…

8 years ago

Labour Election: Corbyn Plotting Destruction of Royal Family

WINDSOR - England - Within the third year of the Labour party regime under Jeremy Corbyn's Momentum group, the much-hated…

8 years ago

Labour: “Britain’s Population Through Immigration to Rise by 60%”

LONDON - England - Jeremy Corbyn's no cap policy on immigration of unskilled workers will ensure a population rise of…

8 years ago

EU Conspiracy Manipulated Electoral Polls to Dupe May Into Calling Early Election

LONDON - England - One of the necessary rules of warfare is never underestimate your enemy, but sadly this rule…

8 years ago

EXODUS: Where to Go If High Tax Jeremy Corbyn Wins Election?

LONDON - England - Under the regime of Jeremy Corbyn's Marxist Collectivist Soviet rule, Britain would have the highest taxes…

8 years ago

Comrade Corbyn Addresses High Party Apparatchiks and Bolsheviks

MANCHESTER - England - Comrade Jeremy Corbyn, supreme Soviet Labour leader has spoken about his 10-year plan of collectivism after…

8 years ago

EU Blackmail: Totalitarian State Holds Britain to Ransom

LONDON - England - There should be no bargaining with blackmailers or totalitarian regimes who hold Britain to ransom.

8 years ago

Comrade Keir Starmer a Danger to Real Brexit – Urgent Communique to Labour Brexiteers

LONDON - England - The UK and correct Brexit, is in immediate danger if Labour makes ground.

8 years ago

How North Korean Cuisine Has Evolved Over the Years

PYONGYANG - N. Korea - Today in the capital city, one can order up pizza, and all manner of Western…

8 years ago

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