WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - It makes no logical sense to give away your own sovereign Chagos Islands territory and…
BRUSSELS - Belgium - Keir Starmer is leading the way for an EU union, but Brexit never happened anyway.
LONDON - England - Remainers in the Rishi Sunak Cabinet threaten mutiny if their beloved foreign court, the ECHR is…
KYIV - Ukraine - The fight for sovereignty and freedom from Russia is similar to the fight for freedom from…
LONDON - England - Did millions of Brits die and fight in the world wars against Germany for nothing? It…
BALMORAL - Scotland - Her Majesty, the Queen, Elizabeth II, has signed, along with the Privy Council an order to…
LONDON - England - The undemocratic EU is a totally separate body to Europe and its people.
LONDON - England - There should be no bargaining with blackmailers or totalitarian regimes who hold Britain to ransom.
LONDON - England - Chris Grayling MP, Leader of the House of Commons, delivered a speech today at Vote Leave…
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