
Poor Donald the President With No Face

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Here's a guy who fought hard to be where he is in life, and he…

8 years ago

Jeremy Corbyn: “I Have No Understanding of Maths and Neither Do My MPs”

LONDON - England - With ridiculous promises and hilarious utopian projections coming from Jeremy Corbyn and his clueless MPs, it…

8 years ago

Plastic EU Man Macron Instated as French Leader

PARIS - France - When it comes to plasticity, you don't get more plastic and fake than some former banker…

8 years ago

General Election: Jeremy Corbyn Vows to ‘Overturn the Rigged System’

LONDON - England - Supreme Comrade and Soviet Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has vowed to "overturn the rigged system" by…

8 years ago

Underestimate Corbyn At Your Own Risk

LONDON – England – Amongst the wailing and caterwauling that goes on at PMQs against Jeremy Corbyn and his communist…

8 years ago

Confused Feminist Celebrity Shows Off T*ts

LOS ANGELES – USA – An actress who pedals her sexual attractiveness at every turn to further her career is…

8 years ago

Corrupt Obama Presidency Like Dog Shit On Shoe That Never Goes Away

NEW YORK – USA – Obama not only used his devout socialist moles in the IRS to hit Conservative organisations…

8 years ago

Lords Thwart Brexit: Prepare For Civil War

LONDON - England - Blood will run in the streets if the Lords dare to thwart the will of the…

8 years ago

The Neutrality of House Speaker Bercow and Other Things

LONDON - England - News from Westminster suggests that the current House Speaker, John Bercow is on the way out…

8 years ago

Gina Miller and Foreign Treason Wins Momentarily Over Brexit

LONDON - England - As treachery and treason comes, having a citizen of Guyana win a court case thwarting the…

8 years ago

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