
Will War Bring Reality to Snowflake Generation?Will War Bring Reality to Snowflake Generation?

Will War Bring Reality to Snowflake Generation?

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - What will happen to the snowflake generation if there is a global war?

3 years ago
The Only Thing That Will Destroy PC Culture..The Only Thing That Will Destroy PC Culture..

The Only Thing That Will Destroy PC Culture..

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Total war and a compulsory draft are the only answer to the PC culture of…

7 years ago
Trigger Warning Snowflake Student Dies After Reading ShakespeareTrigger Warning Snowflake Student Dies After Reading Shakespeare

Trigger Warning Snowflake Student Dies After Reading Shakespeare

CAMBRIDGE - England - A Cambridge University student ignored a 'trigger warning' posted on a Shakespeare play, which caused his…

7 years ago
Students Cry in Pain As ‘Safe Spaces’ Invaded On CampusStudents Cry in Pain As ‘Safe Spaces’ Invaded On Campus

Students Cry in Pain As ‘Safe Spaces’ Invaded On Campus

BERKELEY - USA - Students at Berkeley University of California, were left writhing in agony and despair on Wednesday when…

8 years ago
PC University Students: If Plato Was Black He Would Be ‘Aight’PC University Students: If Plato Was Black He Would Be ‘Aight’

PC University Students: If Plato Was Black He Would Be ‘Aight’

LONDON - England - University students demand philosophers such as Plato and Kant are removed from syllabus because they are…

8 years ago