
Christmas is Coming Sooner For SomeChristmas is Coming Sooner For Some

Christmas is Coming Sooner For Some

LOS ANGELES - USA - Christmas is coming sooner for some, and this year is set to be a real…

1 year ago
California Laws Allowing Shoplifting Rampage Free-for-allCalifornia Laws Allowing Shoplifting Rampage Free-for-all

California Laws Allowing Shoplifting Rampage Free-for-all

CALIFORNIA - USA - Thank to socialist California laws, shoplifting is now a lucrative money-making business for many.

1 year ago
Shoplifting and Looting Now Considered Normal in Recession BritainShoplifting and Looting Now Considered Normal in Recession Britain

Shoplifting and Looting Now Considered Normal in Recession Britain

LONDON - England - The cost of living crisis, hyperinflation, interest rate rises has led to many Britons shoplifting to…

2 years ago