second wave

Panic Buying Lemmings Resume Supermarket PanicPanic Buying Lemmings Resume Supermarket Panic

Panic Buying Lemmings Resume Supermarket Panic

LONDON - England - Panic buying has resumed once again across the nation with supermarket shelves being emptied in minutes,…

4 years ago
Schools Opening in September Amid Cooler Temperatures Perfect Conduit For Second Wave VirusSchools Opening in September Amid Cooler Temperatures Perfect Conduit For Second Wave Virus

Schools Opening in September Amid Cooler Temperatures Perfect Conduit For Second Wave Virus

LONDON - England - Cooler temperatures and schools re-opening will be a perfect conduit for the coronavirus Second Wave.

5 years ago
Coronavirus Second Wave Hits IranCoronavirus Second Wave Hits Iran

Coronavirus Second Wave Hits Iran

TEHRAN - Iran - Iranians are reporting a second wave in coronavirus infections, since easing their lockdown.

5 years ago
Lockdown End: Swarms Back on the StreetsLockdown End: Swarms Back on the Streets

Lockdown End: Swarms Back on the Streets

LONDON - England - The swarms of people are back on the streets, and the traffic jams are back pumping…

5 years ago
China Second Wave of COVID-19 is CommencingChina Second Wave of COVID-19 is Commencing

China Second Wave of COVID-19 is Commencing

HUANGSHANG - China - The second wave of the COVID-19 virus has already commenced and is spreading through cities once…

5 years ago