
Scotland: “A Final Cry to Go into Bottle”

FALKIRK - Scotland - The treacherous always win, as the Scottish referendum reveals.

10 years ago

What Scotland Will Look Like After Independence

EDINBURGH - Scotland - The Scottish tourist board have revealed what the country will look like after gaining independence from…

10 years ago

Druid Masters: “True Scot Celts Know About the Future”

CALLANISH - Isle of Lewis - Never ignore the sacred hidden knowledge of the ancients, for the original inhabitants of…

11 years ago

World’s Largest Deep Fried Mars Bar Now Making Its Way to Scotland

CHESHIRE - England - The world's largest deep fried mars bar is now, as we write this, making its way…

11 years ago

Spielberg Begs Scots to Stay in Britain

LOS ANGELES - USA - As for begging, you don't get more majestic than Steven Spielberg, do you? He's even…

11 years ago

Why Scotland Will Vote No

EDINBURGH - Scotland - In four days time, Scotland will vote No and not gain independence from the United Kingdom.

11 years ago

Why Scottish Referendum is About EU

BRUSSELS - Belgium - The upcoming Scottish referendum is not about Scotland but about the euro currency and European Union.

11 years ago

Media: If Scotland Votes ‘Yes’ Meteorites Will Fall On Country

LONDON - England - The English newspapers over the weekend were all singing from the same script, this time with…

11 years ago

Scotland Referendum: Salmond Reveals Plan B

GLASGOW - Scotland - SNP leader, Alex Salmond keeps getting pushed to reveal a Plan B regarding currency union, well…

11 years ago

Scotland: Freedom is Priceless

EDINBURGH - Scotland - As Alistair Darling chokes on a salmon pate, is there any hope for the beleaguered Scots?

11 years ago

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