PARIS - France - Among the recommendations, the survival manual suggests that people surrender completely, and eat cheese.
WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - President Trump has threatened Vladimir Putin with a volley of silly insults if he does…
GENEVA - Switzerland - An anonymous think tank called Lumin Consortium have released a paper speculating how the New World…
MOSCOW - Russia - Trump has his reasons for siding with Russia and punishing Ukraine. Here are some of them.
MOSCOW - Russia - Donald Trump is the knight in shining armour for Putin as he halts sanctions on the…
BRUSSELS - Belgium - Europe and the UK could cancel Trump once again after his bust up with Ukrainian president…
LONDON - England - In war, there should be unity within nations. There is none in the West, as the…
WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The heat is on. WW3 may be closer than you think as Zelenskyy gives no…
LONDON - England - Ed Miliband has issued strict Net Zero guidelines for the military to adhere to carbon emissions…
MOSCOW - Russia - It is best to let Putin celebrate his pyrrhic victory, and maybe we may have peace…
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