
If You Don’t Get the Hispanic Vote You LoseIf You Don’t Get the Hispanic Vote You Lose

If You Don’t Get the Hispanic Vote You Lose

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Romney's sad attempts at bronzing up with a fake tan sadly went awry as his…

12 years ago
U.S. Elections: Vote Obamney!U.S. Elections: Vote Obamney!

U.S. Elections: Vote Obamney!

NEW YORK - USA - US vote activist, Daryl Crescent has come up with a novel idea for the U.S.…

12 years ago
U.S. Election: Will Dimpled Chads Rear Their Ugly Heads Again?U.S. Election: Will Dimpled Chads Rear Their Ugly Heads Again?

U.S. Election: Will Dimpled Chads Rear Their Ugly Heads Again?

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Election experts are getting ready with their magnifying glasses again for those dimpled chads during…

12 years ago
God Particle Found in Book of Mormon Says RomneyGod Particle Found in Book of Mormon Says Romney

God Particle Found in Book of Mormon Says Romney

UTAH - USA - On a recent pilgrimage to the holy city of Mormon, Salt lake City, presidential candidate Mitt…

12 years ago
Romney U.S. Election Debate: “Boy, You Gotta Know Your Place”Romney U.S. Election Debate: “Boy, You Gotta Know Your Place”

Romney U.S. Election Debate: “Boy, You Gotta Know Your Place”

HEMPSTEAD - USA - Mitt Romney attempted to assert his plantation owner dominance over an Obama rebellion on Tuesday night's…

12 years ago
Could November 6 Be U.S. Election Riot Night?Could November 6 Be U.S. Election Riot Night?

Could November 6 Be U.S. Election Riot Night?

WASHINGTON DC - USA - The divisions are great in America, and the pressure is growing daily. How much can…

12 years ago
Black People Embracing Romney VoteBlack People Embracing Romney Vote

Black People Embracing Romney Vote

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Has the Obama spell been broken? Has he already lost the White House? Many African…

12 years ago
Dems Tell Obama to Get Permanent Teleprompter HelmetDems Tell Obama to Get Permanent Teleprompter Helmet

Dems Tell Obama to Get Permanent Teleprompter Helmet

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Distraught Democrats were today scrambling to recover some lost ground after president Barack Hussein Obama's…

12 years ago
Mitt Romney Banned From Air Force OneMitt Romney Banned From Air Force One

Mitt Romney Banned From Air Force One

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney has been banned from flying on Air Force One by Pentagon…

12 years ago
Madonna Fires Assistant After Misspelling Obama on Her BackMadonna Fires Assistant After Misspelling Obama on Her Back

Madonna Fires Assistant After Misspelling Obama on Her Back

TEL AVIV - Israel - Madonna has spectacularly fired her assistant who misspelled Obama's name on her back during an…

13 years ago