
Apocalypse à Paris Avec les Gilets Jaunes

PARIS - France - It seems, an apocalypse has fallen across the capital city, as the Gilets Jaunes protesters and…

6 years ago

Macron: “Let Them Eat Cake”

PARIS - France - President Macron, faced with mass riots after raising fuel tax has replied with a well known…

6 years ago

Violent Vegan Vegafury Rampage Through City Centre

DOXETER - England - Mobs of coordinated vegans terrorised the town on Friday, attacking meat eaters.

6 years ago

The Elite Wealthy Will Abandon You When the Time Comes

LONDON - England - The wealthy and elite have already abandoned all hope and are planning their escape, without you.

6 years ago

World Cup 2018 Russian Festival of Brutal Violence a Death Sentence

MOSCOW - Russia - The upcoming World Cup will be a serious test for England fans as the Russian Ultras…

7 years ago

Why Billionaires Setting Up Havens In New Zealand For Apocalypse Have Got it Wrong

AUCKLAND - New Zealand - Billionaires who are buying up vast plots of land on the island of New Zealand…

7 years ago

Diluted Brexit: Britons Must Rise Up Against Gross Injustice

LONDON - England - As the traitorous Remainers pat themselves on the back for watering down Brexit, there is real…

7 years ago

Think Tank: G20 Violence Tolerated Because Leftwing

HAMBURG - Germany - One thing about the G20 violence in Hamburg recently is the level of organisation by leftwing…

7 years ago

DAY OF RAGE: Bourgeois Islingtonian Leftists Get Their iPhones Out

LONDON - England - No doubt, the well fed privileged white anti-capitalists will be out today for the Day of…

8 years ago

Labour: “Britain’s Population Through Immigration to Rise by 60%”

LONDON - England - Jeremy Corbyn's no cap policy on immigration of unskilled workers will ensure a population rise of…

8 years ago

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