SCUNTHORPE - England - This is poverty Britain, a place blighted by the Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves condemning millions to…
GRIMSBY - England - Commissar Rachel Reeves will today announce in her second soviet budget more wonderful punishments of tax,…
GRIMSBY - England - Keir Starmer's Labour government will add £6.43 Trillion debt to the UK by 2029.
SCUNTHORPE - England - Comrade Reeves has announced her "growth" policies are working with a projected reduction in living standards…
SCUNTHORPE - England - The shrinking UK economy thanks to Commissar Reeves is now lower than Slovenia according to government…
SCUNTHORPE - England - Millions of Britons are receiving counselling and therapy after severe trauma caused by Rachel Reeves.
LONDON - England - Another Rachel Reeves victim is being punished by punitive Labour policies. The Macmillan Cancer charity has…
LONDON - England - Commissar Reeves has hailed the new Net Zero emissions target to increase pollution by building more…
GRIMSPITE - England - Commissar Reeves provides crucial good news to Britain's soviet citizens about eating the bark from trees…
PLAISTOW - England - A man has been mocked online after being conned out of £700,000 by a woman claiming…
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