
Junk Status Russians Back to Long Queues

SIBERIA - Russia - The Russians are back to the good old days of queuing for hours and days for…

10 years ago

Putin Almost Indecisive as Obama Say Experts

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Just do it Vlad, they want you to pull the trigger, so the next stage…

10 years ago

Prince Charles Thinking of Sending Harry to Russia to Beat Up Putin

BALMORAL - Scotland - In an extraordinary attack on the Prince of Wales, Russia is now making absurd claims that…

11 years ago

Check: Russia China Gas Deal Game Changer Seals West’s Fate

MOSCOW - Russia - Just when you thought things were getting boring with the Ukraine crisis, now it's getting more…

11 years ago

Eurovision Contest Results Confirm to Putin Why Europe Must be Crushed

MOSCOW - Russia - After the Eurovision Song Contest panned the Russian singers with boos and caterwauls, Vladimir Putin knows…

11 years ago

Putin: “I Should Have Moved My Money Out First”

MOSCOW - Russia - President, Vladimir Putin, is currently moving his troops away from the Ukrainian border, or so he…

11 years ago

The Streets of Ukraine Paved With Gold

CHICAGO - USA - In the last few days, you may have noticed how gold has been rising, if you…

11 years ago

Obama: “Putin is Bluffing”

HAWAII - USA - President Obama has stated that he is 100% sure that Russian president, Vladimir Putin is bluffing.

11 years ago

Pawn Takes Knight Russia Bides Its Time

LONDON - England - A Report just in from the Global Terra Research Think Tank concerning the stand off between…

11 years ago

Obama Threatens Putin With..er..You Know..Some Bad Stuff..

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - President Obama has come out fighting with his boxing gloves this time, Putin better watch…

11 years ago

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