
Putin the Russian Mastermind That No One Can Beat

MOSCOW - Russia - It's official Russian troops are now on the ground in Syria backing up Assad's and Iran's…

9 years ago

Putin: “How About a Game of Russian Chess in the Arctic?”

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Obama laid the foundations for World War III, his baiting of the bear to rise…

9 years ago

Scaremongering German Eurocrat Unveils Putin Monster For Brexit

LONDON - England - It's all getting very scary, now they're rolling out monster stories starring Vlad the Putin for…

10 years ago

Hillary to Clean House

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Former First Lady, Hillary Clinton announces her candidacy for the upcoming 2016 U.S. elections.

10 years ago

Think Tank: Greece Turning to Russia Spells Trouble For Region

BRUSSELS - Belgium - The Geo Policy think tank has warned of the dangers of Greece's left wing Syriza party…

10 years ago

Vladimir Putin Drank Vodka Laced With Polonium Says Aide

MOSCOW - Russia - The untimely death of Russian president Vladimir Putin has come as a surprise to many but…

10 years ago

Juncker Army: Daily Squib Accurately Predicted EU Army in 2012

FRANKFURT - Germany - Jean Claude Juncker has called for a cohesive EU army in preparation for a possible war…

10 years ago

Russian Blyat Airlines Ready For Take Off

SIBERIA - Russia - With more sanctions being proposed by the U.S. and EU, Russians have always dealt with the…

10 years ago

American Troops in Ukraine : Cold War or Hot War?

DONETSK - Ukraine - Strategic Analyst, Elmer Fudge, is concerned by the American meddling in Ukraine. Especially when American troops…

10 years ago

American Economy Soars at Expense of Russia

MOSCOW - Russia - Sooner or later something is going to give, and you better have a state of the…

10 years ago

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