
Corrupt Politicians Investigating Corrupt Media Investigating Corrupt Police

LONDON - England - Corrupt MPs have called in corrupt News International journalists and managers for a full investigation of…

14 years ago

MP Admits Not Fiddling Expenses

LONDON - England - Herman Phuckah today became the first sitting MP to admit to not committing expenses fraud when…

14 years ago

Fury as Furious Politicians Spit Fury at Furious Voters

LONDON - England - There was fury at a rally in Parliament square yesterday as furious crowds of furious protesters…

15 years ago

It Beggars Belief: How the Fake Politicians are Raking in More Than £200,000 a Year

WESTMINSTER - England - Their apparently pitiful existence and pleas for money attract the generosity of many taxpayers. But some…

15 years ago

MPs Ordered to Wear ‘For Hire’ Signs on Shoulders During All Hours

LONDON - England - New directives for Dis-honourable Members of Parliament are to be implemented after the general election says…

15 years ago

MP Arrested After Stealing From Blind Beggar

LONDON - England - A prominent member of parliament has been arrested today at Euston train station after stealing a…

16 years ago

Dishonourable Members of Government Want Increase in Taxation to Fund More MPs’ Expenses

LONDON - England - The Labour government is calling for an increase in taxation so that MPs' expenses can be…

16 years ago

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