
One Thing Lockdown Shows: Many Politicians are Irrelevant

LONDON - England - The coronavirus lockdown has shown that many politicians in parliament are irrelevant and useless.

5 years ago

Keith Vaz in Uphill Gardening Accident

LONDON - England - Labour MP and previous family man has been caught in an uphill gardening accident that seems…

9 years ago

Why Committing Political Suicide Can Be Fun

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Donald Trump may commit political suicide on a daily basis, but he's not actually a…

9 years ago

House of Commons Spends £1,500 a WEEK to Control Politicians – and YOU’RE Paying

LONDON - England - TAXPAYERS are forking out a staggering £1,500 a week on pest control for politicians, researchers and…

9 years ago

Study: Politicians Are Capable of Feeling Regret

LONDON - England - Politicians are capable of feeling regret about their own actions, an emotion that has never previously…

11 years ago

Brain Scans Can Identify Politicians or Members of Ruling Elite Even in Childhood Because They Have No Empathy When Seeing People in Pain

LONDON - England - Brain scans can be used to identify children who may be potential politicians, new research has…

12 years ago

New Houses of Parliament Design Proposal Accepted

LONDON - England - The Houses of Parliament are set for an architectural revamp by up-and-coming architect Gandolpho Huhne.

12 years ago

Lying Politician Caught

LONDON - England - It is a very rare occurrence, but sometimes it does happen. Justice could finally be served…

12 years ago

Cameron: "Rioting Teens Should Have Morals of Politicians"

LONDON - England - The Prime Minister, today, reiterated the point that Britain's youth should look to politicians as models…

14 years ago

MPs Could Be Hanged For Expenses Fraud

LONDON - England - Soon there could be a joyful sight over the neo-Gothic edifice of the Houses of Parliament…

14 years ago

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