
“Put the Knife Down!” Philadelphia Police Shoot Another Deranged Savage Maniac

PHILADELPHIA - USA - After a deranged man was shot for running at the police with a knife, peaceful BLM…

4 years ago

Police Dilemma: How Do You Arrest Black Criminals Who Resist Arrest Without Causing Riots?

CHICAGO - USA - The problem of arresting black criminals who resist arrest without causing injury, or resulting race riots…

4 years ago

Think Tank: British Police Should All Be Armed and Free From Prosecution

LONDON - England - An increasing beleaguered British police force needs to be armed fully with vast increases in funding,…

4 years ago

BEYOND SATIRE – CNN Reporters Arrested by Police Whilst Reporting About Police

MINNEAPOLIS - USA - A CNN reporter and news crew have been summarily arrested for trying to report on the…

4 years ago

All British Police to Finally Be Armed

LONDON - England - Police officers across the UK will all be routinely armed with firearms, a new white paper…

6 years ago

Met. Police: “Criminals Free to Commit Crime Without Prosecution”

LONDON - England - Senior officer for the Met. Police says because of severe budget cuts many crimes will be…

7 years ago

Black Lives Matters Riots Proof Local Police Must Be Abolished For U.S. Federal Police Force

CHARLOTTE - USA - The spate of riots in successive U.S. cities reveals a pattern that can only be halted…

8 years ago

Eye For an Eye: BLM Allegiance Snipers Murder Five Police

DALLAS - Texas - American police officers are now being targeted by snipers in allegiance with Black Lives Matter in…

8 years ago

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