perversion of law

Should Criminals Be Let Off If They Are From Certain Ethnic Groups?Should Criminals Be Let Off If They Are From Certain Ethnic Groups?

Should Criminals Be Let Off If They Are From Certain Ethnic Groups?

OLDHAM - England - Should certain ethnic groups be immune from prosecution because of their race?

2 months ago
Prosecutors Charged Trump Because He is an “elderly man WITHOUT a poor memory.”Prosecutors Charged Trump Because He is an “elderly man WITHOUT a poor memory.”

Prosecutors Charged Trump Because He is an “elderly man WITHOUT a poor memory.”

WASHINGTON D.C.- USA - In America, if you are an elderly with a poor memory, you get away with murder,…

1 year ago
It is Impossible to Have an Insurrection Without FirearmsIt is Impossible to Have an Insurrection Without Firearms

It is Impossible to Have an Insurrection Without Firearms

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The Democrats do not know what an insurrection is, and have skewed the word for…

1 year ago