
Obese Giraffes Stampede Encampment Killing 20 Tourists

SERENGETI - Tanzania - A herd of obese giraffes that stampeded a tourist encampment, killing 20 tourists, will have to…

2 years ago

Eating Disorder Helpline Takes Down Chatbot After It Promotes Disordered Eating

ATLANTA - USA - An eating disorder helpline has taken down a chatbot after it promoted guzzling huge quantities of…

2 years ago

COVID-19: Spare a Thought For the Clueless Obese Drugged Up Americans

NEW YORK - USA - The COVID-19 coronavirus especially likes obese Americans who have a plethora of medical and mental…

5 years ago

Africans Refusing Clothing From America

KINSHASA - Congo - Another shipment of unwanted second-hand clothes has arrived from America at Le Beach Ngobila port this…

15 years ago

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