
Obama and Romney United Nations Disarmament of America’s Guns

NEW YORK - USA - The United Nations will be utilised by whoever is elected in the next US election…

12 years ago

Obama's American Dream a Mirage

WASHINGTON DC - USA - No one knows where Obama came from, who put him in power as President of…

12 years ago

How is Romney Going to React Under Pressure As President?

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Does the world really need a cult member in charge of a nuclear arsenal in…

12 years ago

Obamacare: Half of South America Happy About Supreme Court Ruling

MEXICO CITY - Mexico - News crews from many South American countries filmed cheers of joy in the streets today…

12 years ago

It's Official: Obama Was Big Joke By Behind Scenes Hierarchy

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Pentagon insiders have finally conceded that President Barack Obama was all a big joke and…

13 years ago

American Crazy Season Starts Early This Year

SEATTLE - USA - What with drugged up zombies eating people's faces off in Florida and crazed psychos throwing their…

13 years ago

US Secret Service Say They Learned Everything From Bill Clinton

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Amidst the fallout of the Colombian secret service fiasco, some servicemen are claiming that they…

13 years ago

Obama Reserves His Place on Mount Rushmore

WASHINGTON DC - USA - President Obama has already reserved his place on Mount Rushmore as one of the greatest…

13 years ago

Why Obama Has to Win the Next Election

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Obama has to win the next election because it will be highly entertaining seeing the…

13 years ago

Romney Wants to Bring All His Wives to White House

WASHINGTON DC - USA - GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney wants to bring his 274 wives to the White House…

13 years ago

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