north korea

How Kim and His Little EMP Toy Could Take USA to 19th CenturyHow Kim and His Little EMP Toy Could Take USA to 19th Century

How Kim and His Little EMP Toy Could Take USA to 19th Century

PYONGYANG - N.Korea - North Korean leader, Kim jong-Un likes to play with his little toys, playthings like hydrogen bombs,…

8 years ago
Revealed: Kim Jong-un’s Cure for Aids, Ebola and Cancer With Single Mystery Wonder-drugRevealed: Kim Jong-un’s Cure for Aids, Ebola and Cancer With Single Mystery Wonder-drug

Revealed: Kim Jong-un’s Cure for Aids, Ebola and Cancer With Single Mystery Wonder-drug

PYONYANG - N. Korea - The secretive dictatorship headed by fearless and fat Kim Jong-un and his extraordinary claims of…

10 years ago
North Korea Steals Daily Squib Domain NameNorth Korea Steals Daily Squib Domain Name

North Korea Steals Daily Squib Domain Name

LONDON - England - You've got to hand it to those pesky North Koreans, they have now acquired one of…

10 years ago
Dennis Rodman Fed to Hungry Dogs on Recent Trip to N. KoreaDennis Rodman Fed to Hungry Dogs on Recent Trip to N. Korea

Dennis Rodman Fed to Hungry Dogs on Recent Trip to N. Korea

PYONGYANG - N. Korea - Ex-basketball player and former friend of Kim Jong-Un was killed by a pack of hungry…

11 years ago
Everybody’s Test Firing Missiles These DaysEverybody’s Test Firing Missiles These Days

Everybody’s Test Firing Missiles These Days

TEHRAN - Iran - First it was North Korea and now the Iranians are test firing their missiles. Is this…

12 years ago
Jesus to Land in North Korea on WednesdayJesus to Land in North Korea on Wednesday

Jesus to Land in North Korea on Wednesday

TEXAS - USA - Prominent Pastor, Julius Oswald, for the Holy Texas Episcopalypse Baptist church has predicted that Jesus will…

12 years ago
Kim Jong Un to Attend Thatcher FuneralKim Jong Un to Attend Thatcher Funeral

Kim Jong Un to Attend Thatcher Funeral

LONDON - England - North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is set to attend the lavish state funeral of the…

12 years ago
Think Tank: North Korean Crisis Utilised for Next Economic CrashThink Tank: North Korean Crisis Utilised for Next Economic Crash

Think Tank: North Korean Crisis Utilised for Next Economic Crash

WASHINGTON DC - USA - The N. Korean nuclear crisis will possibly be used as a smokescreen to release the…

12 years ago
Taylor Swift Now Dating Kim Jong UnTaylor Swift Now Dating Kim Jong Un

Taylor Swift Now Dating Kim Jong Un

PYONYANG - N. Korea - American singer Taylor Swift is now officially dating the North Korean dictator her record company…

12 years ago
Kim Jong Un Successfully Graduates From Dictator SchoolKim Jong Un Successfully Graduates From Dictator School

Kim Jong Un Successfully Graduates From Dictator School

PYONYANG - N. Korea - A jubilant Kim Jong Un has successfully passed the many tests required to graduate from…

12 years ago