
The Castration of Islam by Europe

LONDON - England - As a religion Islam has been wholly untouched since its inception, however things are changing as…

8 years ago

5 Great Hotels to Stay in America For Muslims Visiting

NEW YORK - USA - If you are a Muslim and do manage to get into America during the Trump…

8 years ago

Trump Planning Muslim Detention Centres in U.S.

NEW YORK - USA - With Trump set to take the Republican candidacy riding on a huge wave of popularity,…

9 years ago

Emperor Diocletian Would Have Been Proud of Persecution of Muslims

BERLIN - Germany - The European Union's stance against Muslims is very similar to the Roman Emperor Diocletian's action against…

14 years ago

Ground Zero Mosque to be Spectacular Say Americans

NEW YORK - USA - Americans are eagerly awaiting the unveiling of the huge Islamic mosque which is currently being…

15 years ago

Saudi Arabia Bans the French Beret

RIYADH - Saudi Arabia - One of the most prominent Islamic countries in the Middle East has taken drastic steps…

15 years ago

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