
Gen Z Woman Demands Millennials Stop Saying These ‘Out of Date’ Slang Words

PHILADELPHIA - USA - Gen Z woman demands millennials stop saying these 'out of date 'slang words: 'If you use…

8 months ago

Woman Banned From Instagram Doesn’t Think She Exists Anymore

ROTHERHAM - England - Instagram, a social network full of banal narcissists, and shallow talentless fake plastic people is a…

6 years ago

Studying the Phenomenon of Banal Narcissistic Selfie Addicts Falling Off Cliffs

GRAND CANYON - USA - What entices a person to hang off a cliff edge to take a selfie? Analysing…

6 years ago

Triggered Millennials Terrified By Clapping

EDINBURGH - Scotland - Apparently millennials are now afraid of clapping, and universities are outlawing it in all campuses across…

6 years ago

Being Vulgar and Rude Considered Polite in Millennium

LONDON - England - In the millennial era, it is now considered polite behaviour to be rude to someone.

6 years ago

Snowflake Offended By Own Self Won’t Come Out Of Safe Space

LOS ANGELES - USA - A snowflake millennial man has refused to come out of his safe space for three…

7 years ago

YouTube Snowflake Generation Killing Themselves Epidemic

THE INTERNETS - USA - How low has humanity gone, that people either kill others over an online pc game…

7 years ago

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