michael jackson

Shock as Michael Jackson Revealed to be PaedophileShock as Michael Jackson Revealed to be Paedophile

Shock as Michael Jackson Revealed to be Paedophile

SALT LAKE CITY - USA - Michael Jackson fans are once again in a state of denial over irrefutable evidence…

6 years ago
Ghost of Michael Jackson Molests Boy on HalloweenGhost of Michael Jackson Molests Boy on Halloween

Ghost of Michael Jackson Molests Boy on Halloween

LOS ANGELES - USA - A 12 year old Neverland visitor has made an extraordinary claim at this year's Halloween…

14 years ago
Jackson Now Drinking Jesus Juice With JesusJackson Now Drinking Jesus Juice With Jesus

Jackson Now Drinking Jesus Juice With Jesus

LOS ANGELES - USA - Michael Jackson is now said to be drinking Jesus Juice in heaven according to ministers…

16 years ago
Black In Vogue – Why Michael Jackson Regrets WhiteningBlack In Vogue – Why Michael Jackson Regrets Whitening

Black In Vogue – Why Michael Jackson Regrets Whitening

LOS ANGELES - USA - Black is in vogue right now. You've got the first black president, Barack Obama, the…

16 years ago
Michael Jackson Writes Book to Save NeverlandMichael Jackson Writes Book to Save Neverland

Michael Jackson Writes Book to Save Neverland

LOS ANGELES - CA - Michael Jackson will come up with the $25 million needed to save Neverland by March…

17 years ago
Michael Jackson Audition for Next Star Wars Film UnsuccessfulMichael Jackson Audition for Next Star Wars Film Unsuccessful

Michael Jackson Audition for Next Star Wars Film Unsuccessful

LOS ANGELES - CA - George Lucas has denied Michael Jackson from making a world stage comeback in the latest…

17 years ago