michael jackson

Shock as Michael Jackson Revealed to be Paedophile

SALT LAKE CITY - USA - Michael Jackson fans are once again in a state of denial over irrefutable evidence…

6 years ago

Ghost of Michael Jackson Molests Boy on Halloween

LOS ANGELES - USA - A 12 year old Neverland visitor has made an extraordinary claim at this year's Halloween…

14 years ago

Jackson Now Drinking Jesus Juice With Jesus

LOS ANGELES - USA - Michael Jackson is now said to be drinking Jesus Juice in heaven according to ministers…

16 years ago

Black In Vogue – Why Michael Jackson Regrets Whitening

LOS ANGELES - USA - Black is in vogue right now. You've got the first black president, Barack Obama, the…

16 years ago

Michael Jackson Writes Book to Save Neverland

LOS ANGELES - CA - Michael Jackson will come up with the $25 million needed to save Neverland by March…

17 years ago

Michael Jackson Audition for Next Star Wars Film Unsuccessful

LOS ANGELES - CA - George Lucas has denied Michael Jackson from making a world stage comeback in the latest…

17 years ago

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