
Miliband Gets Some Balls

LONDON - England - Labour leader, Ed Miliband, finally got the Balls he always wanted when Commissar Ed Balls from…

14 years ago

Labour Party Actually Elects a Leader

MANCHESTER - England - The Labour party has just elected a leader in an actual internal election.

14 years ago

Unelected Labour PM to be Replaced by Another Unelected Labour PM

LONDON - England - Britain's Labour party is to cling to power indefinitely according to leading Westminster political experts.

14 years ago

Gordon Brown Releases Labour Backstabbing Election Video

ROCHDALE - England - Set to be the new rallying propaganda piece for the Labour election, unelected PM Gordon Brown…

14 years ago

Labour: “Deny Everything”

LONDON - England - Criminals working in Parliament under the Labour party, who are making large sums of money from…

14 years ago

The Demise of Nu-Labour’s Mascot Noel Gallagher

LONDON - England - Just like Nu-Labour's downfall, so too go Oasis, a bunch of has-beens and thugs, who milked…

15 years ago

Swine Flu Pandemic Helpline Will Advise People How to Die Quietly, Says Burnham

LONDON - England - Members of the public who die from the deadly swine flu virus will be supported by…

15 years ago

Daily Squib Hires Labour Peer

ESSEX - England - The Daily Squib has managed to hire a Lord to change the law in our favour.

16 years ago

Labour Ministers Admit to Using George Orwell’s 1984 as Instruction Manual

LONDON - England - George Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning to history and was not meant to be used…

16 years ago

School’s Egg and Knife Race Ends With Multiple Deaths

MANCHESTER - England - A North Manchester school has failed to break all previous stab records today after a frenzied…

16 years ago

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