NEW ORLEANS - USA - What was on the flag on the back of the truck that was involved in…
DAMASCUS - Syria - There are many scenarios that can happen in the war torn country after the fall of…
DAMASCUS - Syria - The United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 has been enacted after the deposition of Syrian tyrant…
MOSCOW - Russia - One thing is certain, the Russians sure don't mess around with terrorist interrogations.
STRASBOURG - France - The ECHR will most certainly overrule British courts denying British citizenship to ISIS bride Shamima Begum.
AL ROJ CAMP - Syria - ISIS bride Shamima Begum has been denied by the Home Office from retaining her…
LONDON - England - As the media and Biden administration hails the departure of U.S. forces as the 'end of…
KABUL - Afghanistan - Ninety people were killed by an ISIS K bomb yesterday, including 13 U.S. servicemen. Biden has…
AL-ROJ DETENTION CENTRE - Syria - ISIS bride Shamima Begum in her effort to come back to Britain has taken…
IDLIB - Syria - Looks like the ISIS leader has been killed for the tenth time by American special forces.
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