houses of parliament

UK Politicians to be Replaced By Robots in Ten Years

LONDON - England - Politicians in Western nations will be replaced by robots by 2023 Whitehall officials have confessed.

12 years ago

MPs Were Forcibly Told to Vote For Pay Rises By Themselves

LONDON - England - The Houses of Parliament were in chaos today as hundreds of MPs said they were forced…

12 years ago

Brain Scans Can Identify Politicians or Members of Ruling Elite Even in Childhood Because They Have No Empathy When Seeing People in Pain

LONDON - England - Brain scans can be used to identify children who may be potential politicians, new research has…

12 years ago

New Houses of Parliament Design Proposal Accepted

LONDON - England - The Houses of Parliament are set for an architectural revamp by up-and-coming architect Gandolpho Huhne.

12 years ago

Lying Politician Caught

LONDON - England - It is a very rare occurrence, but sometimes it does happen. Justice could finally be served…

12 years ago

Westminster Farmer: Time to Clean Out the Trough Once Again

London - England - It's that time of year again when the Westminster pig pens are cleared out exposing some…

12 years ago

Revealed: Government Plans For Politicians to be Privatised

LONDON - England - The House of Commons offers £1.5bn contract under which private firms may write governmental policy and…

13 years ago

New House of Commons Beer More Acceptable

LONDON - England - Radical feminists in the House of Commons, headed by Labour MP Kate Green, have proclaimed a…

13 years ago

Female MP Angry For Not Being Taken Seriously After Posing For Men's Magazine

LONDON - England - She has taken Westminster by storm, as well as the innards of many a trouser after…

13 years ago

Labour MP Diane Abbott Disciplined By Plantation Owner

LONDON - England - MP Diane Abbott has been threatened with dismissal back to the cabbage fields if she speaks…

13 years ago

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