houses of parliament

What Became of the Treacherous Brexit Saboteurs?

THE TOWER OF LONDON - England - Since the Remainer plot to halt Brexit was foiled, the saboteurs have been…

6 years ago

Why the British Parliament is Shunning Democracy and Embracing Feudalism

LONDON - England - Feudalism is now the key ideology led by the undemocratic British parliament, and has been for…

6 years ago

Goodbye Mrs May and Please Don’t Come Back

LONDON - England - On the eve of Theresa May's final reckoning where her BRINO deal will be presented to…

6 years ago

Historians: Britain Now Under Feudal Dictatorship Led By Rogue MPs

HASTINGS - England - Britain's history seems to be revisiting 1066 when William I defeated the English king Harold, and…

6 years ago

Back to Feudalism: MPs Shutting Down Brexit is Undemocratic

LONDON - England - Brexit has been effectively hijacked by MPs in the House of Commons, circumnavigating any democratic EU…

6 years ago

House of Commons to Ban the Word ‘Woman’

LONDON - England - The House of Commons, after a little jibe from Jeremy Corbyn, has decided to ban the…

6 years ago

Brexit Backbone Could Be Delivered to Parliament Say Experts

LONDON - England - The House of Commons was on standby today for a delivery of a backbone, specially designed…

7 years ago

House of Commons to Pass Act to Abolish Unelected House of Lords’ Powers

LONDON - England - Members of the House of Commons are to push through a new act curtailing the powers…

7 years ago

Former Soviet Spy Jeremy Corbyn Could Use Poison to Silence Critics Say Terror Experts

LONDON - England - Terror experts have warned that former Soviet spy for Russia, Jeremy Corbyn (Agent Cob) could use…

7 years ago

Revealed: The Secret Espionage Tricks Jeremy Corbyn Utilised to Pass Secrets to Soviets

LONDON - England - Cold War espionage secrets have been disclosed in newly-declassified MI5 files which reveal how Soviet spy,…

7 years ago

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