
Greta Thunberg: “If You Don’t Arrest Me I Don’t Make Money”

THE NETHERLANDS - The Hague - Another much-needed arrest for Greta Thunberg, who profits with tonnes of money every time.

11 months ago

Greta Thunberg Training to be Hamas Suicide Bomber

TEHRAN - Iran - Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg is training to be a Hamas suicide bomber in a terror…

1 year ago

Greta Thunberg to Star in Eco Pizza Porn Video to Taunt ‘Toxic’ Influencer

STOCKHOLM - Sweden - Eco darling Greta Thunberg is to star in an eco porn video to promote the ecological…

2 years ago

Greta’s Beloved EU Companies Now Buying Up Oil Stocks

BRUSSELS - EU - Greta Thunberg, the eco activist was pulling her hair out on hearing that EU funds are…

3 years ago

Beyond Satire: EU Declares Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power as ‘Green’

BRUSSELS - Belgium - The EU declares fossil fuels like gas, and nuclear energy as 'Green' much to the consternation…

3 years ago

Greta Thunberg Silent as China Starts Up 53 Massive Coal Power Stations

BEIJING - China - The Chinese communist state has fired up 53 coal power stations, creating untold amounts of damage…

4 years ago

No Curry For Greta Thunberg

NEW DELHI - India - Eco activist, Greta Thunberg has caused a bit of a storm amongst patriotic Indians, and…

4 years ago

The Revenge of Greta Thunberg

STOCKHOLM - Sweden - The revenge of Greta Thunberg on her arch rival Donald Trump in his time of crisis…

4 years ago

Is Greta Thunberg the Reincarnation of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

SALZBURG - Austria - Could Swedish enviro-mascot, Greta Thunberg be the reincarnation of famous Austrian composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

5 years ago

Why Doesn’t Greta Thunberg Go and Speak to the Chinese About Pollution?

BRISTOL - England - Whilst preaching to the converted, Greta Thunberg is not achieving anything in fighting global pollution or…

5 years ago

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