
First They Came for the Satirists, and I Did Not Speak Out— Because I Was Not a Satirist.First They Came for the Satirists, and I Did Not Speak Out— Because I Was Not a Satirist.

First They Came for the Satirists, and I Did Not Speak Out— Because I Was Not a Satirist.

LONDON - England - Amongst the mass censorship purge by leftwing monopoly tech companies, there are only a few voices…

7 years ago
Death of Western Democracy – Communist China GlobalismDeath of Western Democracy – Communist China Globalism

Death of Western Democracy – Communist China Globalism

BEIJING - China - The brutal communist regime that tortures any dissent and censors free speech is leading globalism today…

7 years ago
Orwellian Facebook Telescreen Installed in HomesOrwellian Facebook Telescreen Installed in Homes

Orwellian Facebook Telescreen Installed in Homes

PALO ALTO - USA - George Orwell saw the Facebook future so well that pretty much every part of the…

7 years ago
Global Domination: Facebook Developing Mind-Reading DeviceGlobal Domination: Facebook Developing Mind-Reading Device

Global Domination: Facebook Developing Mind-Reading Device

MENLO PARK - USA - The octopus grip of Facebook already has its tentacles deeply entrenched in the world's population,…

8 years ago
The Almighty Zuckerberg Beaten by Iconic Historic PhotoThe Almighty Zuckerberg Beaten by Iconic Historic Photo

The Almighty Zuckerberg Beaten by Iconic Historic Photo

CALIFORNIA - USA - Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has been forced to reinstate a historic photo after being previously banned by…

9 years ago
New Facebook Funeral Service AnnouncedNew Facebook Funeral Service Announced

New Facebook Funeral Service Announced

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has announced a new funeral service for the social networking site…

12 years ago
Four Year Prison Sentences For Every British Facebook UserFour Year Prison Sentences For Every British Facebook User

Four Year Prison Sentences For Every British Facebook User

WARRINGTON - England - Thoughtcrime is now a reality in modern day Britain, and George Orwell is probably nodding his…

14 years ago
Unsocial Networking Sites Popular NowUnsocial Networking Sites Popular Now

Unsocial Networking Sites Popular Now

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - Forget about Social Networking, because Unsocial Networking is the new buzz phrase hitting the internet…

14 years ago
When Facebook Crashed Phone Networks JammedWhen Facebook Crashed Phone Networks Jammed

When Facebook Crashed Phone Networks Jammed

CHICAGO - USA - When online social networking site, Facebook, was offline for over half-an-hour yesterday, phone networks worldwide noticed…

14 years ago
Why Social Networking Has Been Best Tool for Criminals and GovernmentsWhy Social Networking Has Been Best Tool for Criminals and Governments

Why Social Networking Has Been Best Tool for Criminals and Governments

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Once upon a time it used to be quite hard for the government and criminals…

15 years ago