
Euro Crisis Voted Most Boring News Event of All Time

BRUSSELS - Belgium - A panel of 20,000 people have deemed the Euro crisis the most boring thing they've ever…

13 years ago

Greece to Have 300 Elections

THERMOPYLAE - Greece - The Greeks want to have 300 elections to form a coherent government in the beleaguered country,…

13 years ago

Greece: One Picture Says it All

ATHENS - Greece - As worldwide markets tumble at the prospect of another Greek default, pictures coming from the Ministry…

13 years ago

Euro Will Only Work If Britain Is Head of Single EU Government

LONDON - England - The European project can only work if the UK is at the forefront of the single…

13 years ago

Why the ECB is Holding the World's Economy to Ransom

FRANKFURT - Germany - The European Central Bank is holding the world to ransom and will be the cause of…

13 years ago

Greece Has Gun to World's Head

ATHENS - Greece - The Greek government lied to get into the eurozone, then they spent all their subsidies, and…

13 years ago

The Next Step For EU is to Get Its Own Army

BRUSSELS - Belgium - They have their own currency, they have their own central bank, and they have their own…

13 years ago

Merkel to Star in My Big Fat Greek Debt II

ATHENS - Greece - German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is set to become a film star in the latest version of…

13 years ago

Greece: The Gift That Keeps Giving

BERLIN - Germany - As the famous quote goes: "Never accept Gifts From Greeks" well, the EU technocrats are finally…

13 years ago

Cameron: "Scotland is Key to Britain Joining Euro Currency"

LONDON - England - David Cameron is planning a backdoor entry to the euro currency via Scotland, it has been…

13 years ago

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