LONDON - England - Prime minister, David Cameron has pledged to the public that he will listen to them regarding…
SECTOR 4 - EU - Comrade Cameron appeared today in Brussels Square, to regale those assembled in his tribute to…
LONDON - England - The deluge will be greater than a biblical plague of locusts descending on Egypt. Mass immigration…
LONDON - England - There's no need to mourn the inevitable demise of Britain's much loved welfare system.
DOVER - England - David Cameron has welcomed 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians to their new home today.
BRUSSELS - Belgium - Martin Schulz, the speaker of the European Parliament has called for the creation of a European…
LONDON - England - The Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith has introduced a last minute voter placating deal…
LONDON - England - Millions of Eastern Europeans are queuing up to come to Britain in January 2014 so they…
LONDON - England - Residents of Highgate, North London were alerted today after a local man found a Bulgarian under…
LONDON - England - Prime Minister David Cameron is proposing a scheme that will placate British voters and still enable…
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