
The Ball is Firmly in Ghislaine Maxwell’s Court

NEW YORK - USA - Will Ghislaine Maxwell spill the beans to reduce her prison sentence of 65 years?

3 years ago

Chinese Espionage Agents Installed Camera in Smoke Detector to Catch Hancock

LONDON - England - After the ministerial office of MP Matt Hancock was found to be compromised by spy cameras,…

4 years ago

Communist China Must be Taught a Fundamental Lesson

BEIJING - China - At some point in time, communist China will have to choose between continuing the route of…

4 years ago

Intelligence: China Encouraging BLM ANTIFA Rioters Across U.S. Cities

MINNEAPOLIS - USA - As the riots and looting go from city to city, one must look at the destabilising…

5 years ago

Obama: “Why Trump Should Never Have Been President – I Got the Tapes”

NEW YORK - USA - Former President of the United States, Barack Obama reveals some espionage tips from when he…

5 years ago

Huawei Beijing Communist Bosses Can’t Wait to Listen to British Conversations

BEIJING - China - Good news is filtering down through the grapevine to the communist party that the British government…

5 years ago

Soros and EU Funded ‘Scientists For EU’ Responsible For Organising Mass Remainer Protests

LONDON - England - Brexit and democracy in Britain is being attacked from many fronts including clandestine propaganda operatives working…

6 years ago

Espionage Experts: Google China Search Engine Data Will Go Straight to CIA/NSA

VIRGINIA - USA - The Google search engine in China will afford intelligence agencies a perfect window for gathering of…

6 years ago

Tourist Special: 5 Paralysing Places to Visit in Salisbury

SALISBURY - England - We have compiled a list of five interesting places to visit on your tour of this…

7 years ago

Downing Street: Agent Cob Could be Expelled From UK

LONDON - England - Agent Cob, who has been conducting clandestine missions in the UK, could be expelled and returned…

7 years ago

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