
Erdoğan’s Way of Sorting Out the Kurdish Problem in Eastern Turkey

SOUTH EAST TURKEY - The region of the country most populated by Kurds received a lacklustre earthquake response by Erdoğan.

2 years ago

After the Coup Attempt Erdogan Reshuffles Turkish Government

ANKARA - Istanbul - Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after the coup attempt, has reshuffled his parliament and government to best ensure…

9 years ago

Erdoğan Wants Turkey to Reintroduce Arabic Alphabet

ANKARA - Turkey - President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an of Turkey has pronounced the Westernised current Turkish alphabet as immoral and…

9 years ago

Fake Coup: Turk Army Plotters Couldn’t Organise a Barbecue in a Kebab Shop

ISTANBUL - Turkey - The Turkish army faction that attempted a faux coup have left the Turkish military looking very…

9 years ago

Turkish Coup Latest: It Lasted Two Hours

ISTANBUL - Turkey - The Turkish army coup may or may not have lasted for two hours, nobody seems to…

9 years ago

BREAKING: Crazy Erdoğan Has His Day

ISTANBUL - Turkey - President Erdogan is now in hiding as the secular Turkish military has taken over his extremist…

9 years ago

Erdogan Could Star in Lord of the Rings VII

AUCKLAND - New Zealand - The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has agreed to star in the latest film…

9 years ago

Islamist Turkey PM Wants to Outlaw Belly Dancing Girls

ANKARA - Turkey - Authoritarian Islamist PM Erdogan has promised to remove any form of belly dancing semi-naked women from…

12 years ago

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