energy price

Putin Thanks EU For Importing Gas Worth 27 Billion euros

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Whilst pretending to help Ukraine, the EU has been colluding with Putin importing Russian gas worth…

2 years ago

5 Warm Public Spaces You Can Go to This Winter

LONDON - England - Here is a list of 5 warm public spaces you can visit this winter if you…

2 years ago

Eco-insanity: How the Frack Will Truss Get Britain Fracking With All the Opposition?

LONDON - England - With vast gas reserves underground, Liz Truss has opened the fracking floodgates.

3 years ago

10 Ways to Warm Yourself in Winter Without Gas or Electricity

LONDON - England - How to stay warm in winter without gas or electricity tips.

3 years ago

Britain Sitting on Huge Enormous Gas Reserves

LONDON - England - Britain is sitting on vast gas reserves ready and waiting to be tapped easily.

3 years ago

EU Energy Price Cap: 7% UK Price Cap: 80% – EU Brexit Punishment Continues

BRUSSELS - Belgium - The EU is punishing Britain for leaving by increasing energy costs by 80%.

3 years ago

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