
Matt Drudge Stars in New Tarantino Film

LOS ANGELES - USA - One of the stars in the new Tarantino film that is taking the American box…

12 years ago

IMF’d: Even Drudge Report Starts Repeating Daily Squib Headlines From 2010

LONDON - England - With news coming through the wires that the IMF needs a bailout itself, Daily Squib writers…

13 years ago

20 MPH Winds Batter New York City

NEW YORK - USA - Fearful Americans were running in all directions today as it was feared that 20 MPH…

14 years ago

Western World Shocked That Terror Atrocity Not Muslim

OSLO - Norway - There were cries of disbelief over the whole Western world and media when a crazed gun…

14 years ago

Barack Obama Never Existed Claims Un-Birther

LAS VEGAS - USA - The 'un-birthers' movement is gaining momentum nationally across America and are now claiming that Barack…

14 years ago

Hillary Clinton to be Given Job as White House Intern

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Democratic presidential candidate, Barack Obama has offered Hillary Clinton a job as the White House…

17 years ago

Drudge Report Puts Prince Harry in Afghan Warzone Danger

HELMAND PROVINCE - Afghanistan - Prince Harry has been put in extreme danger by the headline crazy American Matt Drudge…

17 years ago

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