daily mail

I’m a TikTok Food Scientist… These Are the Things I Would NEVER EatI’m a TikTok Food Scientist… These Are the Things I Would NEVER Eat

I’m a TikTok Food Scientist… These Are the Things I Would NEVER Eat

CALIFORNIA - USA - A highly respected TikTok food scientist has revealed the foods she would never eat.

2 months ago
VIRAL: TikTok Star Cooks Piece of Sh*t in Air FryerVIRAL: TikTok Star Cooks Piece of Sh*t in Air Fryer

VIRAL: TikTok Star Cooks Piece of Sh*t in Air Fryer

PERTH - Australia - A savvy Australian TikTok chef has shared how he prepared a homemade piece of sh*t for…

2 years ago
BEYOND SATIRE: Coronavirus Conference Cancelled Due to CoronavirusBEYOND SATIRE: Coronavirus Conference Cancelled Due to Coronavirus

BEYOND SATIRE: Coronavirus Conference Cancelled Due to Coronavirus

LONDON - England - Occasionally the Squib does find a mainstream news headline that is beyond satire, more often than…

5 years ago
Woman Displays Ailments on Daily Mail SiteWoman Displays Ailments on Daily Mail Site

Woman Displays Ailments on Daily Mail Site

GRIMSTHORPE - England - A 56-year-old woman was featured in a front page Daily Mail article yesterday showing off the…

12 years ago
Reading the Daily Mail Can give You Eyeball CancerReading the Daily Mail Can give You Eyeball Cancer

Reading the Daily Mail Can give You Eyeball Cancer

SCUNTHORPE - England - Eyeball cancer cases caused by reading the Daily Mail newspaper have risen above 650,000 a year…

13 years ago