cultural marxism

Green Lives Matter: Racist ‘Greenface’ Film is Slammed by Woke Aliens

VIRI - Scheat Constellation - Woke green aliens from 'Green Lives Matter' are calling a new Hollywood film featuring a…

3 weeks ago

Why Disney Needs to Continue Making Projects Like “The Acolyte”

HOLLYWOOD - USA - Amongst the outrage over "The Acolyte" Star Wars fans are taking the wrong approach. Read about…

6 months ago

The Paradox of Socialists Championing Terrorist Group Hamas

LONDON - England - There is an ultimate paradox to the socialists and assorted Marxist left-wing groups championing terrorist group…

8 months ago

The BBC: “We are Terrorists But Hamas Are Not!”

LONDON - England - The BBC have finally admitted to their viewers: "We are terrorists, but Hamas are not".

1 year ago

Stasi Commissars Line Up For Soviet Censored Edinburgh Fringe Festival

EDINBURGH - Scotland - Stasi Commissars and workers enjoyed this year's heavily censored woke soviet Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

1 year ago

Daily Squib ESG Rating Reported at -6500

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Oh dear! The Daily Squib's ESG rating is a serious minus. What are we going…

2 years ago

The Delightful Joys of Being Woke: A Hilarious Journey into the Land of Soviet Awareness

PORTLAND - USA - Explore the unadulterated bliss and joy of being a follower of the woke religion of ultimate…

2 years ago

Defiling the Art of Roald Dahl Kills Off the Spirit of Literature

LONDON - England - The slow death of Western civilisation and literature continues with the heavy censorship of author Roald…

2 years ago

Whatever Happened to the World Cup Being About Football?

DOHA - Qatar - Activists preaching politics and cultural Marxism in sport should be forbidden. Keep sport free, keep football…

2 years ago

Think Tank: People Must Learn to Vote With Their Feet

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - An anti-woke non-governmental think tank is urging people worldwide to vote with their feet and…

2 years ago

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