
Prince Harry Therapist Could Be Woke ProgrammerPrince Harry Therapist Could Be Woke Programmer

Prince Harry Therapist Could Be Woke Programmer

MONTECITO - USA - Could Prince Harry's therapists be actively programming him to carry out certain tasks?

2 years ago
New Orders From ‘Just Stop Oil’ Cult InterceptedNew Orders From ‘Just Stop Oil’ Cult Intercepted

New Orders From ‘Just Stop Oil’ Cult Intercepted

DOVER - England - An investigative reporter has intercepted a Just Stop Oil protest communication for a new operation.

2 years ago
You Cannot Stop the Eco Zealot ProtestsYou Cannot Stop the Eco Zealot Protests

You Cannot Stop the Eco Zealot Protests

LONDON - England - The multiple eco zealot protests blocking major roads across the capital are unstoppable.

2 years ago