
Why is Jeremy Corbyn Still On Our Screens?

LONDON - England - Why is Jeremy Corbyn who lost the election and lost the Labour leadership five months ago…

5 years ago

Jeremy Corbyn: “True Bolshevik Revolution Cannot Come From Peaceful Means”

ISLINGTON - England - Defiant Comrade Corbyn has spoken of his plans after his Red Soviet Labour party was defeated…

5 years ago

EU Soviet Comrade Cameron Returns

CHIPPING NORTON - England - Comrade Cameron is back from his Soviet EU exile to sell his book and try…

6 years ago

The Semantics of Anti-Semitism and Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn

LONDON - England - The Labour party's leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is tainting his party with anti-semitic sentiment.

7 years ago

Gender Activists Want French Language Changed to Not Include Masculine and Feminine Nouns

BERKELEY - USA - Gender activists at the University of California want the French language changed permanently to exclude masculine…

7 years ago

Agent Cob: “Jews in Gulags That’s How I’d Do It”

ISLINGTON - England - Labour leader, former Soviet spy, Agent Cob, or Jeremy Corbyn, will lead an anti-semitic push once…

7 years ago

Labour Plan to Move HQ to Moscow Under Scrutiny

SALFORD - England - The announcement that the Labour HQ will be moved to Moscow in June, 2018, has surprised…

7 years ago

Communist Spy Agent Cob Has New Mission: Stop Brexit

LONDON - England - Brexit is once again under threat, this time from former Soviet era spy, Agent Cob and…

7 years ago

Revealed: The Secret Espionage Tricks Jeremy Corbyn Utilised to Pass Secrets to Soviets

LONDON - England - Cold War espionage secrets have been disclosed in newly-declassified MI5 files which reveal how Soviet spy,…

7 years ago

Stasi Britain: Cold War Soviet Spy Comrade Corbyn Threatens Press Censorship

LONDON - England - Former Soviet spy, Comrade Corbyn has vowed to shut down press freedom in Britain when he…

7 years ago

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