clinically insane

World Leaders: “For God’s Sake, Biden Cannot Stay in Power”World Leaders: “For God’s Sake, Biden Cannot Stay in Power”

World Leaders: “For God’s Sake, Biden Cannot Stay in Power”

WASHINGTON DC - USA - The world is in a perilous state as loose-cannon Joe Biden goads on Putin with…

3 years ago
Putin: Genius or Madman?Putin: Genius or Madman?

Putin: Genius or Madman?

URAL MOUNTAINS - Russia - Is Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia a genius or a clinically insane madman?

3 years ago
Top Generals Have to Constantly Stop Deranged Biden Pressing Nuke ButtonTop Generals Have to Constantly Stop Deranged Biden Pressing Nuke Button

Top Generals Have to Constantly Stop Deranged Biden Pressing Nuke Button

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Joe Biden has to be monitored 24/7 by aides because he keeps on trying to…

3 years ago
Biden Talking to White House Furniture Say AidesBiden Talking to White House Furniture Say Aides

Biden Talking to White House Furniture Say Aides

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Joe Biden has been witnessed by his aides crawling around on all fours talking to…

4 years ago
Incoherent Crazy Joe Biden Could Order Nuclear Strike On Russia in 5 MinutesIncoherent Crazy Joe Biden Could Order Nuclear Strike On Russia in 5 Minutes

Incoherent Crazy Joe Biden Could Order Nuclear Strike On Russia in 5 Minutes

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Not in control, crazy Joe Biden could order a nuclear strike on Russia at any…

4 years ago