
China CCP Preparing Globe For Their Population to Move In

BEIJING - China - The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is utilising the COVID-19 pandemic crisis to increase its global hold…

4 years ago

BLM Campaign Failure: Are Black People More Hated Now Than Before Riots?

LONDON - England - The BLM and ANTIFA Marxist riots may have damaged relations between blacks and whites irreparably. Could…

4 years ago

Should Humans Be Forced to Like Things or People They Don’t Like?

LONDON - England - Freedom of speech is once again being curtailed by mass censorship and Cancel Culture, aligning the…

4 years ago

Big Tech : War With China Could See Core Profits Slashed

SILICON VALLEY - USA - When war starts with China, Big Tech companies might see their core business model damaged,…

5 years ago

The Cultural Revolution is Being Imposed on the West

LONDON - England - The West is being attacked by a Cultural Revolution from embedded groups within its infrastructure for…

5 years ago

Intelligence: China Encouraging BLM ANTIFA Rioters Across U.S. Cities

MINNEAPOLIS - USA - As the riots and looting go from city to city, one must look at the destabilising…

5 years ago

Xi Jinping Congratulates Chinese Virus on Job Well Done

BEIJING - China - President Xi Jinping has addressed the CCP to congratulate them for the COVID-19 Chinese Virus working…

5 years ago

Who is Going to Save Hong Kong From China?

HONG KONG - The Chinese mainland and CCP is tightening the screws of communism on Hong Kong as it finds…

5 years ago

November Will be a Very Important Month For Globalist Overlords

BEIJING - China - After November, if all goes as planned for the globalists, coronavirus will suddenly and magically disappear.

5 years ago

Chinese Virus Did Not Come From China Says Furious Chinese Leader

WUHAN - China - Chinese president, Xi Jinping has furiously denied the Chinese Virus came from China.

5 years ago

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