
Jeremy Corbyn Cast as Communist Arch Villain in New James Bond Film

LONDON - England - MP and former soviet spy, Jeremy Corbyn has been cast in the latest James Bond film.

7 years ago

Black Panther Review – Wakanda Fantasy Beyond Awful

LOS ANGELES - USA - The Black Panther film is an American insult to Africans and the continent of Africa.…

7 years ago

Michelle Obama Artist Diagnosed With Serious Visual Impairment

LOS ANGELES - USA - Eye doctors and Ophthalmologists have questioned the Michelle Obama portrait painter's eyesight.

7 years ago

American Heritage Foundation: “Donald Trump Will Be Added to Mount Rushmore Presidents”

KEYSTONE - USA - The American Heritage Foundation has announced that president Donald Trump will be added to Mount Rushmore.

7 years ago

Was Donald Trump Worth It?

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Donald Trump in his first year has been way too nice. He needs to get…

7 years ago

Prince William Debuts New Hirsute Look

KENSINGTON - England - Prince William reportedly forked out £180 for a Myspace cut after getting sick of being “teased…

7 years ago

#metoo ‘Hypocrites’ Stunned By Brigitte Bardot Fight Back

ST TROPEZ - France - The backlash against the hypocritical #metoo feminists continues with iconic actress Brigitte Bardot.

7 years ago

Trump: “We’re Living in a Sh*thole Called America”

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - President Donald Trump went on another one of his ranting tirades in the White House,…

7 years ago

Celebs Freak Out Over Rumoured Weinstein Sighting in Hollywood

LOS ANGELES - USA - Serial perverted rat, Harvey Weinstein is allegedly attending this year's Golden Globe awards.

7 years ago

Hollywood Planning 498 New Superhero Movies in New Year

LOS ANGELES - USA - This year will see another torrent of superhero movies from Hollywood.

7 years ago

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