
CANCER: Spraying Los Angeles With Fire Retardant is CarcinogenicCANCER: Spraying Los Angeles With Fire Retardant is Carcinogenic

CANCER: Spraying Los Angeles With Fire Retardant is Carcinogenic

LOS ANGELES - USA - Massive areas of L.A. are being sprayed with carcinogenic fire retardant.

2 months ago
Why Cancer is So Common These DaysWhy Cancer is So Common These Days

Why Cancer is So Common These Days

LONDON - England - There are many variables to why cancer is prevalent these days. We discuss some of them.

12 months ago
5 A Day: EU Vegetables and Fruit Full of Cancer Causing Chemicals5 A Day: EU Vegetables and Fruit Full of Cancer Causing Chemicals

5 A Day: EU Vegetables and Fruit Full of Cancer Causing Chemicals

BRUSSELS - Belgium - The EU is knowingly exporting toxic cancer causing pesticide ridden fruit and vegetables for massive profits.

3 years ago
How Chinese 5G EMF Radiation Will Stir Fry Your InsidesHow Chinese 5G EMF Radiation Will Stir Fry Your Insides

How Chinese 5G EMF Radiation Will Stir Fry Your Insides

LONDON - England - Prime minister, Theresa May's appointment of Chinese telecoms company to oversee parts of the 5G network…

6 years ago
Reading the Daily Mail Can give You Eyeball CancerReading the Daily Mail Can give You Eyeball Cancer

Reading the Daily Mail Can give You Eyeball Cancer

SCUNTHORPE - England - Eyeball cancer cases caused by reading the Daily Mail newspaper have risen above 650,000 a year…

13 years ago